FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Following are several items of interest.

 City Hall Hours

City Hall Hours: 9:30 to 1:30 Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Call for other times as needed 651-436-7031 

Location: 16455 20th Street South  (at the corner of St. Croix Trail and 20th Street South)

Mailing Address: 16455 20th Street South, Lake St. Croix Beach, MN 55043

 Election Polling Place

Lake St. Croix Beach City Hall, 16455 20th St. South

  Public Notices

The Stillwater Gazette is the official Newspaper for the City of Lake St. Croix Beach.  Legally required notices of public meetings are published in the Stillwater Gazette newspaper.  Notices are also posted at City Hall, at an outside bulletin board. You may also ask to be notified of public meetings via e-mail by sending your request to:  lscb@comcast.net 

ALTERNATE:  St. Paul Pioneer Press





 Buckthorn - What, Why, How?

European (Common) Buckthorn
Rhamnus cathartica

Shrub or small tree reaching height of 25' (7.6m); trunk diameter up to 10" (25cm); crown spreading and irregular; bark gray to brown, rough textured when mature and often confused with Prunus sp. Inner bark yellow. Twigs often tipped with a spine. Small black fruits up to 1/4" (0.6cm) diameter containing 3-4 seeds. Leaves broadly elliptic, rounded to pointed at the tip, and toothed. Upper and lower leaf surfaces smooth. Upper leaf surface dark glossy green. Leaves stay green late into fall, after all other leaves have fallen.

R. cathartica was introduced to North America as an ornamental shrub. It is native to Eurasia. The fruit causes a severe laxative effect, quickly distributing the seeds through birds. Common buckthorn invades mainly woodlands and savannas, although it may also be found in prairies and open fields. Once established buckthorn crowds or shades out native shrubs and herbs, often completely obliterating them. European buckthorn control is also of interest to small grain producers; the shrub is an alternate host of the crown rust of oats. MN Interagency Exotic Species Task Force 1991 future threat ranking of SEVERE, current threat SEVERE.

The City of Lake St Croix Beach has a Buckthorn Weed Wrench for resident use.  A deposit of $100 is required for a one week usage period.

Late March to Early May:
Prescribed fire is one method proposed for controlling buckthorn in natural areas. In the upper Midwest conduct burns as soon as leaf litter is dry; resprouts will be less vigorous due to low carbohydrate levels. Burning every year or every other year in established stands may be required for 5-6 years or more. Unfortunately buckthorn seedings often grow in low litter areas, unsuitable for prescribed fire more often than once every 3-4 years. In dense stands seedlings and saplings may be cut and dropped on site, creating fuel for future fires. Buckthorn seedlings appear to be very vulnerable to fire, perhaps due to their poorly established root structure. Fire will top kill a mature plant, but resprouting does occur. Uprooting of smaller seedlings with a weed wrench is another non-chemical control.
May to October: Excellent results are reported using 1part Garlon 3A (44.4% triclopyr) in 1 part water with dye on cut stumps. MN DNR Region V State Parks found a 1:4 dilution of the above also effective. Product label suggests avoiding the spring sap flow. Garlon 3A undiluted applied to cut stumps between first budding in May, through summer, to hard freeze in fall was 95% effective in preventing resprouting (Boudreau and Willson). Hennepin Co. MN parks report 1:1 Garlon 3A:water with antifreeze solution controls buckthorn during winter application.
Mid-August to October: MN DNR Region V State Parks Resource Management has been using a fall cut with immediate stump application of a 1 part Roundup (41% glyphosate) with 5 parts water solution using a hand sprayer. Initial checks indicate a >85% control overall. Kline, 1983 in Wisconsin, used a 1:1 water:Roundup solution on cut stumps in August/September with 100% control.
Winter: 1 part Garlon 4 (61.6% triclopyr) with 4 parts of an oil, such as Penevator, and dye on cut stumps was reported as very effective by Region V State Parks staff. Frill application is also effective. Experiments at the University of Wisconsin Arboretum report good results using a 12.5% active ingredient solution on cut stumps, or a 6% active ingredient solution basal bark treatment to stems <3 inches dbh. Pathfinder, a ready to use formula with 13.6% triclopyr also works.

 Building Permit - Do I need one?


Building Inspector: Stensland Inspections, Phone: 651-436-7669

Hours: Hours vary

Residents can also contact City Hall for information.


  City Map

This is a current map of the city. If you have any questions or are in need of more detailed information, please call City Hall at 651.436.7031.


Map of Lake St Croix Beach, MN 55043
Lake St Croix Beach
Minnesota 55043



Lake St. Croix Beach, Minnesota Map & Directions - MapQuest



 City Services

Animal Control:  715-386-7789

Building Inspector: 651-505-9985

City Clerk/Administrator and Deputy City Clerk/Treasurer:  651-436-7031

Fax: 651-436-8310    

Fire Hall (non-emergency):  651-436-7033

Lakeland Water Utility:  651-436-8044

Police (non-emergency)  651-439-9381

Street Lights Out - Xcel Energy:  1-800-960-6235

Well Water Test Kits - WA County:  651-430-6655

U.S. Post Office - Lakeland:  651-436-5469


 Floodplain in Lk. St. Croix Beach

The City of Lake St. Croix beach is located along the St. Croix River.  There are two levels of floodplain - the 100 year (1% chance of a flood event per year) and 500 year (.2% chance of flood event per year).  There are approximately 42 homes/cabins in the 100 year floodplain (of which 15 are considered in the 10 year floodplain).

Typical flooding in LSCB is from ground water seepage.  Therefore advance notice of a flood event is typical as prediction is based on forecasted river elevation increases.

In 1969 a levee located along the east border of the city was erected by the ACOE (Army Corp of Engineers) and still remains today.  This levee along with a levee located along the southern border of the city are made from a sand base and therefore considered a temporary levee system.

The levee is inspected intermittently (about 18 month intervals) by the Corps of Engineers. Therefore, the City works to keep woody vegetation from the slope of the levees so as not to compromise its stability. Please see our "floodplain information for residents" section of this website for further information including tips on how to protect your home located in the floodplain.


 Garbage Service

There are three licensed haulers for Lake St Croix Beach.

Highland Sanitation   651-458-0043            

Maroney Sanitation  651-439-7279

Waste Management  651-437-9201

Call for rates and/or to set up service. 


  Household Hazardous Waste & Electronic Waste

City Meetings Online

Click on our Vimeo page:  https://vimeo.com/home


Environmental Center

Free Product Room COVID-19 Procedures

  • Limited number of customers; customers will be asked to wait outside when full.
  • Customers must wear a face covering.
  • Shopping time will be limited to 10 minutes. 
  • Product limit: 10 products total; No more than four products per category.
  • Latex paint limit: three 5-gallon and five 1-gallon containers still apply.
  • No pets.
  • No one under 18 years of age will be allowed.

COVID-19 Drop-off Procedures

These new procedures will result in longer wait times. Thank you for your patience.
  • Please stay in your vehicle. No exceptions.
  • Waste must be in your trunk, rear of SUV, or cargo bed. Do not put waste in the passenger area. If we cannot unload your waste without significant entry into cabin of the vehicle, you will be asked to drive to the front parking lot and reorganize the items before returning to the line.  
  • Keep items you do not want us to take separate from items you are dropping off.
  • Please provide your zip code to the attendant through a cracked window. No driver’s license is required.
  • Please wear a face covering during drop-off. Staff are wearing face coverings for your protection.
  • Any items left behind are items not accepted. Call 651-275-7475 with questions.

  Local Library Info

Valley Branch Library - Wi-Fi is available!!
380 St. Croix Trail S.
Lakeland, MN 55043

Library Hours: Tuesday through Thursday from 2pm-6pm
Friday and Saturday from 10am-2pm

Keep up-to-date on what's happening at this and other area libraries by
visiting the county's library website  at:

Valley Library is open with limited capacity and reduced hours. 

Visitors can come to pick up holds, browse materials, work on the computers, and use a meeting room. Please help protect everyone in the library by:

rules for coming back to the library

To comply with guidelines from the Minnesota Department of Health, a limited number of people will be able enter the library at one time. This means you may be asked to wait outside the building for a short time until it is safe to enter.

Indoor programs are cancelled until further notice. Library staff are providing online programs and some outdoor gatherings following local and state guidance. Find a full list of events on our calendar.

For more information on current services, visit WashCoLib.org/Covid19 or connect with library staff by phone, email, or chat. 

Print at Valley Library - From Anywhere!

Send documents to the library’s printers and pick them up when you’re ready. Items can be sent from your own computer or mobile device at home, in the library, or on the go. 

To pick up your documents, go to the print release terminal near the reference desk within 24 hours of sending. Payment is accepted in the form of cash or coins only.

Black and white: 15¢ per page
Color: 50¢ per page



  Recycle - When picked up?






*Recycling fees are included in the city budget for taxing purposes.  Although no resident sees a direct fee, increased recycling can produce a "city share" from the recycle hauler.  It means that the more we recycle - over and above our contracted tonnage - the recycle hauler will return a monetary "city share" back to the city. 


 Special Assessment Pay-off - where to pay?

Special Assessment pay-off amounts can be obtained from City Hall.  651-436-7031

The present assessment is for the Municipal Water Project which included street upgrades.  The project was completed in 1991 and 1992.       

Payments are payable to the City of Lake St Croix Beach.  The city will notify the county of the payment which should then be reflected on the next years property tax statement.  Pay-offs can be accepted up until November 15th each year.

 Who Are Our State and Federal Government Representatives?

       County and State Contact Information

                Washington County Commissioner Gary Kriesel:  651.430.6213

                 MN Governor Tim Walz:  651.201.3400  tim.walz@state.mn.us

                 MN Rep. Mark Wiens 651.296.4244  rep.mark.wiens@house.mn

                 MN Senator Judy Seeberger: 651.297.8060 sen.judy.seeberger@senate.mn

                 U.S. Rep. Betty McCollum:  202.224.9191  betty.mccollum@mail.house.gov